Presentation: Business Intelligence Sony Group Corporation

Overview of the current state of business intelligence at Sony Group Corporation


School Projects

Created on

March 2023

Business Intelligence at Sony Group Corporation

About the Project:

During the second year in my master program I undertook fulfilling the business intelligence specialization. Business intelligence enables organizations to reduce risk and make smarter more effective decisions by taking data and transforming it into information that allows for actionable insights for an organization. My 2023 winter quarter class in this specialization was IMT 576; Foundations Of Strategic And Managerial Business Intelligence, in which we were put in groups of 3 in the beginning of the quarter to work on a quarter-long project. This project was selecting an organization and analyzing their current use of Business intelligence strategies; such as text/web analytics, data warehousing, big data management, datamining and data vitalizations. My team and I chose Sony Group Corporation as our organization and conducted in-depth research into their current state of BI. Then throughout the quarter, with our growing knowledge of BI strategies, we came up with places where Sony could leverage various BI strategies to increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness and concluded with identifying our top 3 BI recommendations for Sony.

An interesting part of this project was that we had weekly assignments that allowed us to explore specific BI topics discussed that week, and report about our chosen organization's usage or impact of such BI tactics. However these assignments were to be done individually; so the only time we worked in our teams was at the very end of the quarter, where we came together to combine all of our individual research for our organization and create a cohesive presentation. This enabled us to have a wide range of information to draw from and also see the differences in what we found for Sony's usage of BI in the various topics for each week. Our final presentation combines all of research and showcases not only Sony's use of BI, but also our knowledge on BI and how we believe Sony can leverage the different business analytic techniques to enhance their company.


Attached below is our final presentation. The scripts behind each slide can be found in the speaker notes where we all put our scripts for future reference. My specific part of this project was the text and web analytics as well as covering our first of 3 recommendations for Sony; that being centralization. Our group got 100% on this project and I got a 4.0 in the class. Reflecting back on this class and project I find myself much more aware of the modern day data ecosystem, and how business intelligence is vital to an organizations success in this day in age. As someone who is very interested in the gaming industry and well versed in Sony technologies, I was static that I got the chance to dive into the details behind Sony Group Corporation and see how the organization was functioning on the business level. During this project I learned how proper data management; including but not limited to; the storage, transportation, validation organization and governance of data, is vital to empower the analysists to have the confidence and ability to turn that data into information that allows for smarter decisions for the organization. I learned about data mining tactics — including text analytics and web analytics — how this ties in with big data and how both of these are effecting the modern day business environment. I see Business Intelligence as the perfect combination of my skillsets. Being able to gather and analyze data to draw insights and generate information that will empower effective business decisions combines my technical background with my design capabilities . I envision myself creating visualizations and/or dashboards from the information I gathered from the data to inform those in the organization of the best decisions to make based on my findings. My science and artistic sides would work together to be able to turn this complicated information into a format that is easily understood by everyone in the organization and gives the decision makers data-based rationale behind their decisions for the organization. I find this work fascinating and empowering, and I hope to use my Business intelligence capabilities to help an organization grow in the future.

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